Theory in Pills


The term "sections" refers to distinct parts or divisions within a musical composition. These sections are often characterized by different melodies, harmonies, rhythms, or textures, and they contribute to the overall structure and form of the piece.

Each section serves a specific purpose and helps to create variety, contrast, and development within the music.

We can distinguish different types of the section:

  • Intro (I): it is at the beginning of a song and introduces the listener to the composition. It is typically instrumental and sets the tone, scale, tempo, and overall atmosphere of the song.
  • Pre-Verse (R): it comes before the verse and may feature unique musical elements, such as a distinctive riff or melody, and it helps to build anticipation and create a smooth transition into the main verse of the song.
  • Verse (V): typically consists of rhyming lyrics set to a specific melody. It is often characterized by its repetitive musical structure and serves as the main narrative or storytelling element of the song.
  • Pre-Chorus (P): typically appears between the verse and the chorus. It serves as a musical spacer, building up suspense or anticipation before the chorus. The pre-chorus is often repeated before each chorus in the song and is designed to reinforce the overall song structure.
  • Chorus (C): contains the main theme or hook. It is often the most memorable and catchy part of the song, with repeated lyrics and a melodic structure that is designed to stick with the listener. The chorus usually appears multiple times throughout the song and serves as a focal point, providing a sense of resolution and energy. It is often the part of the song that listeners can easily sing along to and remember.
  • Post-Chorus (Z): It can be used to connect the chorus to the next section of the song or to add additional ideas and catchiness to the song. The post-chorus often has a similar character to the chorus but is distinguishable in close analysis. It can be classified as either a second chorus or an extension of the chorus,
  • Bridge (B): is a section of a song that serves as a transitional passage between two other sections, often connecting a verse to a chorus. It is called a bridge because it metaphorically "bridges" the gap between different parts of the song. The bridge typically introduces new musical and lyrical elements , providing contrast and adding variety to the song.
  • Interlude (T): refers to a section or passage that serves as a break or transition within a piece of music. It is typically an instrumental segment that connects different parts of the song or serves as a bridge between two songs.
  • Variation: refers to a section where a musical theme or melody is altered or modified while still retaining its recognizable elements. It involves making changes to the original theme by manipulating aspects such as rhythm, harmony, melody, dynamics, or instrumentation.
  • Break (K): refers to a section of a song where all the elements of the composition, except for the percussion, disappear. It is a momentary pause or interruption in the music where the other instruments, such as synth pads, basslines, and vocals, are momentarily silenced, leaving only the percussion to be heard.
  • Sus (S): sus means "suspended". It differs from break because harmony is not interrupted. It creates a feeling of tension or anticipation. Generally suspended chords (sus2 or sus4) are used. The suspended chord can add a unique and interesting sound to a musical composition, and it is often used to create a sense of anticipation before resolving to a more stable chord.
  • Instrumental (N): refers to a section or a piece of music that is performed solely by musical instruments, without any vocals or lyrics. It is a composition or a part of a composition that focuses on showcasing the musical abilities and expressions of the instruments being played.
  • Outro (O): appears at the end of a song. It is typically a distinct closing section that provides a sense of conclusion or finality to the music. The outro can be a repetition of a previous section, such as a verse or chorus, or it can be an entirely new section of music .

For Videos. in order to identify the sections, the complete name is generally used (es. Verse). If the same section has the same harmony but different melody, a number or a letter is added (es. Verse-1, Verse-A). Sometimes a shorter notation is used (es. Ver-1 or V1)
